The following excerpts were Published December 10, 2009 GIZMONDO
Government agencies and utilities from California to North Dakota spend an estimated $15 million a year on cloud seeding, and the number of projects has jumped by nearly a third in the last decade.
But spending in the United States is far lower than in many other countries. China spends an estimated $100 million a year on cloud-seeding efforts that include using anti-aircraft guns and rocket launchers to blast the sky with silver iodide.
Other countries conducting cloud-seeding research include Australia, France, Greece, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Venezuela.
…So with clean water growing scarcer and more precious, are we going to lose the weather-control race before we even know it’s happening? And is water laced with silver iodide still considered “clean water”?
SEE ALSO: The European Union Is Getting Nervous About Atmosphere-Altering Geoengineering
… And the EU isn’t the first government to push for stricter regulations. This January, Mexico’s government moved to ban solar geoengineering projects in the country after the startup Make Sunsets claimed that it released weather balloons filled with sulfur dioxide particles in the Mexican state of Baja California Sur. The sulfur dioxide particles are reflective and were supposed to block sunlight. However these particles could contribute to acid rain and can irritate people’s lungs, The Verge reported. A few balloons may not cause those problems, but the company conducted this experiment without any sort of approval from Mexican authorities.
SEE ALSO: Potential risk of acute toxicity induced by AgI cloud seeding on soil and freshwater biota
SEE ALSO: Solid-State Electrochemistry Günter Holzäpfel, in Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology (Third Edition), 2003 V.E Electrochemical Investigations of Formation of Surface Layers on Metals