A Quadrupedal-Unmanned Ground Vehicle (Q-UGV) goes over rehearsals at Red Sands IEC in the CENTCOM AOR Sept. 18, 2024. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Dean John Kd De Dios)
The specialized gun turret, which features a large electro-optical targeting system with “Lone Wolf” emblazoned across the side, appears to be the same “artificial intelligence-enabled” system that the Army recently put through its paces during Operation Hard Kill…
SOURCE MATERIAL: https://www.military.com/daily-news/2024/10/01/army-has-sent-armed-robot-dog-middle-east-testing.html
RELATED SOURCE MATERIAL: https://www.theverge.com/2022/10/7/23392342/boston-dynamics-robot-makers-pledge-not-to-weaponize#

RELATED SOURCE MATERIAL: https://bostondynamics.com/news/general-purpose-robots-should-not-be-weaponized/